Four short years ago, two lovely ladies came into my life. Today is there’s to celebrate. Again, really as we partied hard on Thanksgiving weekend.
There were haircuts. (‘cos who doesn’t like to look snappy at a party, especially when they party is yours!)
Then people showed up and we partied. Calla looks a bit like Steve Tyler here! Rock on, Calla!
We played Duck, Duck, Goose! And playdough and tag and had adventures on the swing set because the weather was FANTASTIC and the leaves made the back yard golden.
I swear these leaves were green 3 days ago and they turned from pale yellow to orange over the weekend. I was so happy to have spent the whole time outside in the back yard dodging the falling walnuts (courtesy of the squirrels).
The next day we celebrated Thanksgiving and gave thanks for bunk beds, Grandma, family, crayons, and turning leaves and jokes and smiles and having someone’s hand to hold, and turkey!Then we debated all week about the fact that they weren’t actually four yet. But this morning there was no doubt. It was time to be four. We celebrated with a special breakfast (because their dad is picking them up tonight after work for the weekend). Strawberry pancakes and whipped cream is a great way to start off being four. I hope they have a great day and that they enjoy their fourness as much as I am already enjoying it.
At four, my girls are cracking jokes, putting away their own dishes, stiring everything they can in the kitchen, putting their own clothes in the hamper, helping with laundry, playing really well together, sharing and saying Please and Thank You. They are also learning songs in two languages, can count to 20, and backwards from 10, can write their own names and get themselves all dressed, including outerwear. I think they are wonderful and I'm very thankful they are mine!