Monday, July 21, 2008

The Fuchsia's So Bright

Now before we get started here, have you ever tried to spell "fuchsia"? It still doesn't look right to me, but after looking it up and confirming in the dictionary, I feel pretty confident that I have it. I think.

Now, you may be wondering what I've been getting up to since last I checked in. Well I took some work on the bathroom. The kids were off to visit a cottage with their dad, and I got busy at home without little hands to help me paint.
This is the beginning of the transformation of the Ugliest Bathroom in Carelton Place. (I have not done a survey, there may be uglier bathrooms, but dudes, see for yourselves and tell me my powder room isn't/wasn't ugly.)
I present Exhibt A.

This is the starting point.

Count them subfloors: 3 plus mould and tiles

Then there was the lovely wainscotting that the barker board was hiding.But you could stick your finger through it because of the dry-rot. So I replaced it with new wainscotting. Man, that stuff is slick. Oh I did photograph the original colour that I thought I'd shoot for again.
Look at that lovely, classy oxblood colouring. Matches the trim in the other parts of the house even. However, this is the colour I ended up with... put your sunglasses on.

Dont worry, it darkens up after 3 coats. To a nice merlot.
So, after 3 days of working my arm off, I have achieved 60% painted and partially floored powder room. The question now is, will there be a toilet and sink before the weekend (or Christmas)? These things do take time.
I'm back at it with a paintbrush tonight. Let's see how far I get.

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