Thursday, September 13, 2007

Work in Progress

Now this could be a way of describing my life, but I'm shooting for something a bit less philosophical here (and by the way, am I the only one who has trouble spelling that?).

Anyway, I led a bunch of you to believe that there would be knitting on this blog. So far, there has been yarn, yummy, yummy yarn...ahem. Sorry, I got a bit out of hand there. But to date, no knitting. Let us rectify that situation.

As most of you are aware, I am pretty much continuously knitting. I carry it around like Linus carries his blue blanket. And there are many projects on the go. This is all quite normal if you are a knitter. You may ask yourself (if you are not a knitter), how does one manage 10 different projects all at the same time. Just the same as if I only had one project on the go (and how boring would that be...not to worry though, I'll never know): one stitch at a time. But stitch on stitch and row on row, things appear. However, I am not always the best at following instructions eventhough I am assuredly quite literate (I am employed as an editor after all). You see, I was about to say that all of this obsessive-compulsive knitting turns out garment after garment, but with the instruction reading impairment, sometimes I knit ashtrays. Most of the time, however, this is correctable and furthers my learning in both the art of knitting and adds to my store of patience.

And so, without further ado, I give you my current fun and easy thing I'm knitting (you'll get to see the others later). I have been watching the blogosphere for some time and seeing all sorts of knitters churning out Mitred Square blankets. I thought that this was an interesting thing to do, but it was pretty far down on my list. Until I saw Ann Budd's Quilt Blocks to Knit on Interweave's Piecework Magazine. Sure her pattern called for thread and some crazy small needle size because it was for a greeting cards, but I figured in a chunky yarn on 6mm needles, I should get a reasonable sized square. You see! I DO think before I try my experiments in knitting. Anyway, here is the result so far...and for all you fibre snobs out there, stop reading now. My blankie is made out of acrylic. With two 3 year olds, being able to throw it into the washer and dryer is a must for anything that is going to get sneezed on, barfed on, food see where this is going.

The girls each grabbed one of the squares last night and professed their undying love for their blankies. Imagine what they'll think when the whole thing is done.

I got this yarn from a co-worker whose MIL had decided a decade ago that she was going to take up starting with a blanket. This is how I acquired a bag-load of phentex chunky weight acrylic in (I have to say it) pretty great colours. Now, I would not knit a sweater or a scarf out of this stuff, but for snuggling down to watch a movie, it'll do just fine.

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