Christmas was great. At the time, it seemed to stretch out before us just like when I was a kid. Seemingly endless days of doing stuff with friends and family. Now that it’s over, I don’t know where the time went. There were get-togethers, there was music, there was knitting (of course). There was time with my family and Bruce’s. There was playing and sleeping (but not enough of that) and getting into mischief and much, much merry-making.

And now that January has come, I feel this incredible nesting urge. The glut of the holidays has left me feeling a bit overwhelmed by my blessings. There are baby toys and clothes that don’t fit. There are new things that need new homes. There is a great need for shelving and organizational structures. There is a need for storing of things that are appropriate for a Yard Sale. There is the itch to redecorate and when money is tight, ideas abound.
Is it like this for everyone? Do you throw out the tree and put away the decorations and discover that the holiday fluff was hiding a multitude of clutter sins? I’m not sure I felt this way last year. I’m pretty certain that I haven’t had this urge quite this strong ever before. But I’m jumping on the band wagon and getting rid of some stuff. And so…
Out with the Old
I am sorting, boxing and bagging children’s clothes and toys. There are also some baby books that I will sell or give away. I also have a full set of Baby Einstein DVDs.
I also have boxes on my books to get rid of. I think I’ll even take a look through the book shelves again to see what else can go.
Duplicate kitchen gadgets, dishes, pots and pans will be tucked away for yard sale or given to friends in new places.
This is going to mean a lot of lugging and processing and letting go. It’s going to feel good.
And when I lift my head up from the massive cloud of dust that’s all going to cause, I may pick up one of my lingering before Christmas knitting projects.
Currently On the Needles The WIPs (that I can remember off the top of my head) are:
The Patons cabled turquoise vest in Briggs and Little worsted (given to my by Bruce’s mom).
Print o’the Waves stole by Eunny Jang in Handmaiden Sea Silk.
Elizabeth Zimmermann Baby Surprise Jacket for Ethan.
Selbvubotter Mitten (which is made of Russian wool and has a severe case of 2nd mitt-itis).
Pink hat for little girl (my own pattern).
Maine Morning Mitts for Bruce.
Mitred blanket for girls (my own pattern).
Kaffe Fasset toe-up socks (my own pattern)
Alice Starmore sweater from
Tudor RosesKimono Shawl from
Folk ShawlsHoly crap! I didn’t realize it was that bad! That’s a lot of knitting and it’s only one of my obsessions.
In with the New
Well, when I’m not ripping the house apart looking for things to get rid of sell or knitting on projects I’d like to finish this season (What? it could happen. I have until March 21 for it to be Spring.), I have taken on a couple of new challenges.
I am helping out with the
Ottawa Knitting Guild’s 10th Anniversary edition of their newsletter,
The Tangled Skein. Which means in the next short while, I am reading 10 years worth of newsletters and choosing some items I’d like to have reprinted.
As well, I have kind of decided that knitting just isn’t enough. Really, this is all my Dad’s fault as he is the one who brought a bag of llama “wool”/batt to my house. I haven’t weighed it, but when the digital scale arrives (also new) I will. I am suspecting there is more than a pound soft creamy yumminess. Those of you who know me well, or who have seen my yarn stash, may be getting a slight tingling feeling. Yes. A new obsession is dawning.
Spinning.To deal appropriately with this burgeoning obsession, I knew I would have to buy a wheel. I have actually owned a spinning wheel for almost 20 years, but I’ve never really thought of using it as it is one of those fantastic
Great Walking Wheels. I was told at the Ottawa Valley Weavers and Spinners Guild that it would be very difficult to learn on so it has lain dormant for many years (and actually one of the things I need to do is find a spot for it in the house and get it set up again). So with that as a future option, I decided to buy myself a new, modern wheel. But I didn’t want one that looked freaky. I wanted a traditional style. And I wanted it to fold up to put it away. (I have 3 year olds who will want to learn to spin too.)

Let me introduce you to the
Kromski. This baby is hand made in Poland by a family that has been making them for three generations. Although the travelling wheel has only been in production since 2006 it still has the spindle wheel that I find very appealing. It should be arriving next week.

In other news,
Corkery Road is gearing up for a busy month. Saturday, January 12th (as in this Saturday) we are playing at JR’s Downstairs Pub in lovely Almonte. Saturday, January 26th we will be at the Naismith Pub (also in Almonte).
And the wrap up the Christmas/New Years revelries,
The Barley Shakers and friends got together at the
Carleton Heritage Inn for dinner and an evening of music and deserts. There are photos and even video. For pictures, look here. For videos, look here, here and here. NOTE: I’ll post those links when I get home.
Thanks to David and Joan for capturing the evening.
I know this is a huge post of randomness, but it does reflect the state of my brain at the turning of this year. I'll keep you posted on what arrives in the mail. Stay tuned for other New Things.