Monday, July 28, 2008

Summer Party

So, in the middle of all of this renovation craziness, we decided we should have a party. Our theme was music we don't often play. We are a celtic group and that's what we normally do. So we shucked some corn and had a BBQ and dodged some rain drops and had a great time.
There were some wicked harmonies.

Lots of food (not just chips). Thanks everyone for brining such an eclectic mix of stuff to indulge in.

Fiddles were brandished.

Someone wanted to play on the swing....and someone else did.
But Arlene, you take the cake honey!

Not even a bit of rain could stop the fun. (And that says a lot considering the Summer we've been having). Thanks everyone for such a good time. Did anyone else get some picutres? Email me with them if you did!

1 comment:

c a t c h 2 2 said...

imperessive !!
here korea,
i accidently visited your blog

your daughter are
beutiful like angels.

have a good day